
Interface IDocument

    • Method Detail

      • getActiveElement

        IElement getActiveElement()
        Gets the object that has the focus when the parent document has focus. If this is called on an MozillaBrowserCanvas it will only get focusable elements, as Mozilla has no concept of an active element.
        the active element.
      • getAlinkColour

        String getAlinkColour()
        Gets the colour of all active links in the document.
        the colour of active links.
      • putAlinkColour

        void putAlinkColour(String col)
        Sets the colour of all active links in the document.
        col - the colour of active links.
      • getAll

        IElementCollection getAll()
        Gets an interface pointer to a zero-based collection of all the elements in the HTML document.
        a collection of elements in the document.
      • getAnchors

        IElementCollection getAnchors()
        Gets an interface pointer to a zero-based collection of all the anchors in an HTML document. The elements are in the same order as they appear in the document.
        collection of objects representing anchors in document.
      • getApplets

        IElementCollection getApplets()
        Gets an interface pointer to a zero-based collection of all the applet objects in an HTML document. The objects are in the same order as they appear in the document.
        collection of objects representing applets in document.
      • getBgColour

        String getBgColour()
        Gets a value that indicates the background color behind the object.
        background color.
      • putBgColour

        void putBgColour(String col)
        Sets the value that indicates the background colour of the document.
        col - background colour of the document.
      • getBody

        IElement getBody()
        Gets the document's body object.
        reference to the document body.
      • getCharSet

        String getCharSet()
        Gets the character set used to encode the object.
        character set used to encode the object.
      • close

        void close()
        Deprecated. This method is not implemented.
        Closes an output stream and forces the sent data to display.
      • getCookie

        String getCookie()
        Gets the string value of a cookie.
      • putCookie

        void putCookie(String cookie)
        Sets the String value of a cookie
        cookie - value of cookie
      • createElement

        IElement createElement(String name)
        Creates an instance of the element for the specified tag.
        name - tag
      • getDomain

        String getDomain()
        Gets the security domain of the document.
        Security domain.
      • elementFromPoint

        IElement elementFromPoint(long x,
                                long y)
        Gets the element object located at coordinate (x, y) on the document.
        x - X-coordinate.
        y - Y-coordinate.
        The element at the specified coordinate.
      • getEmbeds

        IElementCollection getEmbeds()
        Gets an interface pointer to a zero-based collection of all the embed objects in an HTML document. The objects are in the same order as they appear in the document.
        Collection of embed objects.
      • getFgColour

        String getFgColour()
        Gets the foreground (text) colour of the document.
        Foreground colour of the document.
      • putFgColour

        void putFgColour(String col)
        Sets the foreground (text) colour of the document.
        col - Foreground colour of the document.
      • getFileModifiedDate

        String getFileModifiedDate()
        Deprecated. This method is not implemented.
        Gets the date the file was last modified.
        File last-modification date.
      • getForms

        IElementCollection getForms()
        Gets an interface pointer to a zero-based collection of all the form objects in an HTML document. The objects are in the same order as they appear in the document.
        Collection of form objects in document.
      • getChildFrames

        IDocument[] getChildFrames()
        Gets the child frames of a document. If this is a frameset document returns the child frames in an array, otherwise returns null.
        An array of IDocuments for the child frames
      • getImages

        IElementCollection getImages()
        Gets a collection of images in a document. Gets a pointer to the HTMLElementCollection interface of the zero-based collection of all the images in an HTML document. The images are in the same order as they appear in the document.
        Collection of images.
      • getLinkColour

        String getLinkColour()
        Gets the colour of the document links.
        Colour of the document links.
      • putLinkColour

        void putLinkColour(String col)
        Sets the colour of links in the document.
        col - Colour of the links.
      • getLinks

        IElementCollection getLinks()
        Gets an interface pointer to a zero-based collection of all the link and area objects in an HTML document. The objects are in the same order as they appear in the document.
        Collection of link and area objects in document.
      • getReferrer

        String getReferrer()
        Gets the referrer URL.
        the URL of the location that referred the user to the current page.
      • getStyleSheets

        IStyleSheet[] getStyleSheets()
        Get the styleSheets on the document.
        array of stylesheets on the document.
      • getTitle

        String getTitle()
        Gets the title of the document. The title identifies the contents of the document and is displayed in the header bar of the document window.
        Title of the document.
      • putTitle

        void putTitle(String title)
        Sets the title of the document.
        title - The title of the document.
      • toString

        String toString()
        Gets a string representation of the object.
        toString in class Object
        String representation.
      • getURL

        String getURL()
        Deprecated. This method is not implemented.
        Gets the URL for the current document.
        URL of document.
      • getVlinkColour

        String getVlinkColour()
        Gets the colour of the links that the user has visited.
        Colour of the links.
      • putVlinkColour

        void putVlinkColour(String col)
        Sets the colour in which visited links are displayed.
        col - Colour of the links.
      • open

        void open()
        Deprecated. This method is not implemented.
        Opens a document to collect the output of the write and writeln methods.
      • write

        void write(String data)
        Deprecated. This method is not implemented.
        Writes one or more HTML expressions to a document in the specified window.
        data - HTML expression.
      • writeln

        void writeln(String data)
        Deprecated. This method is not implemented.
        Writes one or more HTML expressions, followed by a carriage return, to a document in the specified window.
        data - HTML expression.
      • getSelectedText

        String getSelectedText()
        Returns the active text selection in the document.
        Selected text.
      • createRange

        IRange createRange()
        Returns an empty Range object that is tied to the current document.
        Empty Range Object
      • getSelectionAsRange

        IRange getSelectionAsRange()
        Returns a Range object that is constructed from the current selection.
        If no selection is currently made on this document, null is returned.
        Range object made from current selection.
      • getElementById

        IElement getElementById(String iD)
        Returns the IElement with specified ID or null if no element exists with that ID
        iD - ID of element.
        Element with given ID
      • equals

        boolean equals(IDocument element)
        Compares with another IDocument.
        element - IDocument to compare
        true if IDocuments are the same.
      • addScrollPositionListener

        void addScrollPositionListener(ScrollPositionListener listener)
        Add a ScrollPositionListener to this document.
        listener - The ScrollPositionListener to add.
      • removeScrollPositionListener

        void removeScrollPositionListener(ScrollPositionListener listener)
        Remove a scrollPositionListener from this Document.
        listener - The ScrollPositionListener to remove.
      • scrollTo

        void scrollTo(long x,
                    long y)
        Scroll this Document to given x,y position.
        x - coordinate.
        y - coordinate.
      • execCommand

        void execCommand(String cmd,
                       boolean showUI,
                       String value)
        Executes a command on the current document with specified value.
        Some common commands include:
        • "Bold" - Toggles the current selection between bold and nonbold.
          E.g. doc.execCommand("Bold",false,"");
        • "FontName" - Sets the font for the current selection.
          E.g. doc.execCommand("Font",false,"Arial");
        • "FontSize" - Sets the font size for the current selection. (This value must be between 1 and 7, inclusive).
          E.g. doc.execCommand("FontSize",false,"3");
        • "ForeColor" - Sets the foreground(text) color of the current selection.
          E.g. doc.execCommand("ForeColor",false,"red");
        • "Italic" - Toggles the current selection between italic and nonitalic.
          E.g. doc.execCommand("Italic",false,"");
        • "Underline" - Toggles the current selection between underlined and not underlined.
          E.g. doc.execCommand("Underline",false,"");

        See for a complete list of commands.

        cmd - The command to execute.
        showUI - if set to true, display a user interface if the command supports one.
        value - the value to assign.
      • getDocumentSource

        String getDocumentSource()
        Gets the unmodified source for the document. Use getChildFrames to get frames documents to get their source.
        Source of document.
      • deleteSelectedText

        void deleteSelectedText()
        Deletes the current selected text.